I started Retro Game Art in the lockdown of 2020 in an attempt to show that gaming merchandise, art, apparel and accessories don’t always have to feature huge company logos or overt references to the games they come from. Those who know and enjoy their games appreciate the aesthetic that a subtle design can bring – especially if you’re an older gamer or parent like me!

I believe the best video game gifts like t-shirts, posters, hoodies and accessories are created by individuals that are inspired by their source material and are able to translate their love of video games into something mature, unique and visually appealing.

That’s why, as well as links to some really cool video game merchandise and accessories from around the web, you’ll also find unique video game prints and designs coming from Retro Game Art itself.

All of our original video game apparel gifts are printed on-demand, made from the best quality materials and sourced from reputable manufacturers. Read more about our suppliers and postage rates.  

If you’d like to learn more about us, or have a query, get in touch.

Chris Taylor

Still a huge video game fan, even if I struggle to find time for it being a family man!


Founder of Retro Game Art, curated and original video game gifts, t-shirts, prints, art, accessories and apparel.